The support a coach needs to become masterful.

Become the Coach You Were Born to Be. 

To be a more effective coach is to know yourself and what you bring to situations, as well as how to be in service to what is larger than you and what is unsaid and emergent in any space, be it 1-1 or in facilitation. In many ways, you are holding the space for transformation for the client or group you are facilitating. This requires you, as a human being, to be attuned to you, your relationships, your environment, and what’s emerging in the interstices of all three of those spaces. At its core, this requires you to continue the work of knowing yourself and how you show up in the world. Coaching supervision is that place to reflect deeper on your coaching practice. 

Transforming coach support

Working with a supervisor is one of the primary means of self care to ensure your professional life and personal development are thriving. (Even dentists need dentists!) Many coaches experience and feel isolated and alone in both solo practice and common consultancy models. The antidote to burnout and isolation is connection and community.

Supervision can be a one-to-one experience or in a group setting. Each offers different types of support. In a group supervision format, you may experience dynamics that may not surface in a 1-1 supervision relationship, which allows you to study and observe yourself and others--learnings that loop right back into your work with clients.

A modern approach

Coach supervision is a mix of learning, exploring and experiencing oneself. Supervision groups help to pick up emotional trends. In supervision, when a client is presented, group members often pick up thoughts, feelings, and ideas, some of which may not be available to the coach presenting the client. Because 93% of communication is nonverbal, as we talk, we communicate what it may be like to be with the client and the group can assist in identifying areas that the coach is unaware of.    

The arc of the content in a group and in 1-1 supervision is intended to be supportive for your practice, your professional development  and a place for you to uncover what’s showing up for you in your client work. This is work that you cannot do alone. Ultimately, coaching supervision can help you unlock your coaching style, learn how you show up with different people, and provide personal support you need to show up well in your profession. 

Find the Right Support for You

1-1 Coach Supervision

For coaches who are ready to work through challenges and work towards mastery of their craft. 1-1 sessions take place via phone, zoom or in person (if in Boulder, Colorado) and billed on a monthly retainer. Cadence and frequency are determined by you and your supervisor.

60 mins | $750 | Bi-monthly or Monthly Cadence

Schedule a Consult Via the Form Below.

Introduction to Group Supervision

6 Months of learning and growth within the group format. Led by a supervisor who models how to create safety, hold boundaries and multiple ideas with curiosity, and to focus on learning and growth, this Group Supervision Course is designed to be a mix of learning, experience and self inquiry. The arc of the content, as well as the themes we’ll be tracking together over the six month period are intended to be supportive for your practice and a place for you to uncover what’s showing up for you in your client work. This is a closed group in which 5-8 participants meet monthly for 6 months in 2 x 90 min sessions per month.

6 months | $6000 | Learn More About Current Groups Here

Ongoing Group Supervision

This group is for coaches both new and seasoned who are looking to deepen their practice in a group with other coaches coming together around the same intent. It’s hard to be a solo coach. This group is a place for self reflection, group learning and experience, in order to gain self awareness and practical skills development as a coach in support of professional development and practicing with ethical standards. For those wanting to commit to a minimum of a year of group supervision, this group meets for 2 x 90 min sessions per month. 

Ongoing | $1000/mo | Learn More About Ongoing Groups Here

3-Day Coach Retreat at EQUUS in Santa Fe, NM

Join us Friday, October 18th - Sunday, October 20th, 2024, on the EQUUS Campus in Santa Fe, NM, for a life-and-career-altering immersive experience that will deepen your work as a coach. You’ll walk away with a new awareness of how you show up for yourself, in relationships, in groups, what boundaries you may need, how to trust what’s emerging, and how to move through life and work in sovereignty. Retreat cost includes program facilitation, lunch on Saturday, and course work. Led by Liz Stewart, Kelly Wendorf, and the EQUUS Herd. Limited to 8 Participants.

$5000 | Learn More & Register Here

Get started.

Ready to become the coach you were born to be? Let us know how we can help get you back on your game, centered in your heart, and wholly embodied in your work. 

Fill out the form on the right, hit send, and we’ll connect with you to schedule a consultation.

Coaches Need Coaching Too: Growing Yourself & Growing as a Coach

Coaching is a calling. How we answer that call affects how we show up for our clients. Beyond the skills of coaching, the emotional and professional development we invest in for ourselves can be pivotal. What steps do you have in place for your growth? If not, what stops you from doing so?

Often, coaches in solo practice can feel isolated. Feelings are a rich part of the work. It’s hard to find a group of professional peers to continue learning and growing from so that you are bolstered as a practitioner in your work in the world. The pressure to earn an income, create a brand, and run a business has similar traps as entrepreneurs: merging their identity with their work and their company. And, most coaches forget that they need a supervisor (and a therapist), too, so that they have a safe emotional outlet and a way to learn from and process all that comes up in their client work.

Consider the challenges that surface for you as a coach in all aspects of your work:

  • How Do You Begin?

  • How Do You Uphold Ethical Standards?

  • What is your stance? When you find yourself activated or triggered in the moment, how do you find your ground?

  • How Do You Work With Closure?

  • In what ways is your listening awareness preventing you from hearing what’s being said?

  • How Does Your Ego Get in the Way of Your Work?

  • How do you witness yourself while in session?

  • Where and when does client work feel uncomfortable?

  • In what ways are boundaries challenging?

  • What is your sense of self worth, or imposter syndrome and how might that show up in sessions?

  • How do you trust your intuition and insights from what you’re sensing?

  • Where could you use more insight with certain client situations?

  • Where can you connect with peers or colleagues?

  • In what ways have you merged your identity with your work or your business?

  • What anxieties do you carry around income, getting clients, making a living?

  • How can you be comfortable with yourself in your coaching?

  • What keeps you from getting support at this level to enhance your skill set and take the necessary steps to embody your work as a coach?

All of these facets of being a coach, if left unattended to, are a fast track to burnout and dissatisfaction.

Sorting through any one of those points above can unravel material to work with that overlays with how we show up in the world for ourselves and for our client work. When you look at all of those points together, they create many layers one has to sift through as a professional. It’s easy to see how, for example, if we have poor boundaries in life it will show up in our practice. Or, if we have people pleasing tendencies, how it may drain us professionally. Or, if our personality is too large, we may miss the point of our work entirely because we are not attuned to our clients or the facilitation room-at-large.

For more prompts and reflection questions, download our PDF guide to coaching supervision below.

Download the Guide:
An Introduction to Coach Supervision

Learn more about how coach supervision can support you in your professional and personal growth. Full of resources, frameworks, and questions for reflection on your own practice, this guide will be a resource you’ll revisit time and time again.