Experience the Magic of a Group

Growth that can only come from a group supervision experience. 

Coaching supervision is a mix of learning, exploring and experiencing oneself. Supervision groups help to pick up emotional trends. In supervision, when a client is presented, group members often pick up thoughts, feelings, and ideas, some of which may not be available to the coach presenting the client. Because 93% of communication is nonverbal, as we talk, we communicate what it may be like to be with the client and the group can assist in identifying areas that the coach is unaware of.    

The arc of the content in a group and in 1-1 supervision is intended to be supportive for your practice, your professional development  and a place for you to uncover what’s showing up for you in your client work. This is work that you cannot do alone. Ultimately, coaching supervision can help you unlock your coaching style, learn how you show up with different people, and provide personal support you need to show up well in your profession.

We offer two kinds of groups — a six-month introductory group experience and ongoing groups.

Introduction to Group Supervision: 6 Months of Learning and Growth Within the Group Format

For those ready to experience group supervision, or are considering joining an ongoing supervision group. 

Group supervision involves the use of a group setting to enable members to reflect on their work. By pooling skills, experience and knowledge, the aim of the session is to improve the skills and capability of both individuals and the group. The group supervision experience allows individuals to be in a situation to engage in various professional behaviors and experience contingencies provided from multiple listeners for their behavior. 

Led by a supervisor who models how to create safety, hold boundaries and multiple ideas with curiosity, and to focus on learning and growth, this Group Supervision Course is designed to be a mix of learning, experience and self inquiry. The arc of the content, as well as the themes we’ll be tracking together over the six month period are intended to be supportive for your practice and a place for you to uncover what’s showing up for you in your client work. 

This is a closed group in which 5-8 participants meet monthly for 6 months in 2 x 90 min sessions per month. 

Investment: $6000. Can be paid in full or on a recurring monthly payment to a credit card. Participants reserve their place in the group and missed sessions are not refunded. For confidentiality and privacy, missed sessions will not be recorded.

Two Groups Starting In July 2024:

We have two Introduction Groups open for enrollment. Dates/Times and start dates are below:

Tuesdays w/ Liz Stewart — 2-3:30 MT / 4-5:30 ET / 1-2:30 PT

Dates for group:
July 9, 16
August 6, 20
Sep 3, 17
Oct 1, 15, 29
Nov 12, 26
Dec 10

Wednesdays w/ Cassandra Field — 11-12:30 MT / 1-2:30 ET / 10-11:30 PT

Dates for group:
July 10, 24
August 7, 21
September 4, 18
October 2, 16
November 6, 20
December 4, 11

Contact us via the form below to learn more about our introductory groups.

Ongoing Coach Supervision Groups

This group is for coaches both new and seasoned who are looking to deepen their practice in a group with other coaches coming together around the same intent. This group is a place for self reflection, group learning and experience, in order to gain self awareness and practical skills development as a coach in support of professional development and practicing with ethical standards. For those wanting to commit to a minimum of a year of group supervision.

  • The ongoing supervision group includes 6-8 coaches who have completed the introductory group course and are wanting to continue their work in a group setting.

  • This is an open group and participation is subject to group leader’s approval and participant fit.

  • Group meets for two x 90 minute sessions per month.

Investment: $1000/mo billed monthly. Desire to end one’s participation in this group requires two-months’ advance notice as part of the group process.

Contact us to learn more about our ongoing groups via the form below.

Get started.

Ready to become the coach you were born to be? Let us know how we can help get you back on your game, centered in your heart, and wholly embodied in your work. 

Fill out the form on the right, hit send, and we’ll connect with you to schedule a consultation.