Meet Your Guides.

Our team


Allison Schultz, MA, EECF

Ali is the co-founder of and an executive coach. She weaves business acumen with the innate wisdom of the body, the world’s wisdom traditions, and the “way of the horse” to help clients reconnect to their truest self. Ali has a Master’s in Religious Studies from the University of Colorado at Boulder and is a certified EQUUS Experience Facilitator. An avid horsewoman and an artist, she lives with her partner and a small herd of beautiful horses in Colorado. She’s the author of The Art of Being Human at Work. You can find more of her work and writing on the various content channels at 


Cassandra Field, MA, LPC, CACIII

Cassandra Field is a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC), Certified Addiction Counselor (CAC III) and has a MA in Counseling Somatic Psychology from Naropa University. She is based in Boulder, CO, with an international clientele of clients. In the last two decades, driven by her expertise in somatic psychology, family systems, addiction, recovery, play, movement and creativity, she has been instrumental for clients moving through all arcs of transition and for practitioners seeking supervision. Grounded in the science of change, Cassandra works in many modalities, including Somatic Psychotherapy, Experiential Psychotherapy, Supervision, Brainspotting, SSIC, Seeking Safety, Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), Somatic Experiencing and taught therapeutic yoga for 27 years. She is passionate about her work with others and is strength-based in her approach, meeting people where they are and supporting them to grow into how they want to be.


Liz Stewart, APSI, BCSI

Liz Stewart, APSI, BCSI, GSI,  is a coaching supervisor based in Boulder, Colorado, with an international clientele of coaches. Trained in coaching supervision through Oxford Brookes University, and group programs  that include Matrixworks®, TraumaDynamics® and a Modern Group Psychoanalytic  (CGS and AGPA) model.  Additionally, Liz has been an active practitioner, educator, and supervisor in the international Rolfing Structural Integration community for 35 years, and has been a pioneer in establishing supervision both individual and group to this field  Her creative approach to coaching supervision includes working with attachment, trauma, mindfulness/awareness and several  somatically-based approaches to support coaches in working from a fully integrative lens.  Liz's work has been described as "comprehensive, deeply transformative, highly intuitive, engaging and relational."


Kelly Wendorf, MCC

Kelly Wendorf is an ICF Master Certified Coach, published author, spiritual mentor, disruptor, and socially responsible entrepreneur. As Founder and CEO of EQUUS, an award-winning leadership development organization, she specializes in the liberation of robust leadership capacities in those who are most qualified — the empathetic, the conscientious, the accountable, the generous, and the kind. She is the author of several books including Flying Lead Change (Sounds True) which explores leadership through the lens of 56 million years of evolutionary intelligence — the horse. EQUUS is our partner in offering Coach Supervision Retreats. You can find more of her work and writing at

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Ready to become the coach you were born to be? Let us know how we can help get you back on your game, centered in your heart, and wholly embodied in your work. 

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